IMPULSE Wireless PTT devices (RPH4, MPH3 and VM3s) feature a prominent SOS button. The VM3 also offers inputs which can be configured to trigger an emergency, such as with a duress button or footswitch. There are two ways which SOS functionality can be configured:

  • SOS via the IMPULSE Wireless Lone Worker/Man Down full-featured GPS system
    1. Provides optional hot-mic functionality on a specified talkgroup
    2. Offers priority and pre-emption
    3. Allows for manual SOS button alerting
    4. Allows for automated Man Down/Lone Worker functionality
    5. Allows for advanced alerting such as geofencing, etc.
    6. Incurs additional monthly cost outside of the standard PTT services
    7. SOS button can be configured so you must hold it for a specified duration before the alert is triggered
    8. GPIO outputs available from VM3s when emergencies are triggered (additional hardware may be required) to signal emergency to other equipment


  • SOS via the IMPULSE Wireless PTT platform
    1. No additional monthly costs
    2. Provides basic “emergency call” functionality
      • SOS press initiates an emergency call on a designated talkgroup
      • Emergency call remains open until the initiator clears the alert by pressing and holding the SOS button for the specified duration
    3. Offers priority and pre-emption
    4. Plays a short klaxon siren on all recipient devices when a new emergency is initiated
    5. SOS button can be configured so you must hold it for a specified duration before the alert is triggered
    6. GPIO outputs available from VM3s when emergencies are triggered (additional hardware may be required) to signal emergency to other equipment